Month: March 2013

Saturday Stillness (The Mind of Christ)

All is darkness.  Was Jesus sentient at all on the Sabbath?  It is a disquieting association –Sabbath rest with death, yet on this seventh day, Jesus rested.  At what point did resurrection occur?  We know when the followers experienced it, but when did it begin?  When did the pneuma — […]

Friday Festerings (The Mind of Christ)

Life contains a series of liminal points, thresholds we cross that can never be uncrossed, actions taken that can never be untaken, transformative occurrences that change everything for all time.  The inevitability of the cross increased in certainty from the moment Jesus was arrested in the Garden — everything in the ensuing […]

Thursday Thoughts (The Mind of Christ)

Can we truly imagine a death sentence, even of our own choosing?  What goes through one’s heart and mind when the narrow path forward leads to pain, anguish, violence, humiliation and destruction?  What sources provide the internal fortitude to face such an overwhelming crisis?  When such a terrible fate awaits […]

Monday Musings (The Mind of Christ)

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 2:5) is reverberating through my head as I approach this year’s Holy Week.  Now, I realize that I am treading on thin ice here, but my reflections for this week are nothing but my limited attempts to […]

B Church

At a recent workshop, discussion shifted to the question, “So, just what IS the current reality of our local churches in United Methodism?”  The following framework emerged from this discussion.  In summary: The United Methodist Church is an amalgam of three key aspects that work well in combination but are […]


I am deeply distressed by the state of prayer in The United Methodist Church – at least among pastors.  As I am visiting with clergy leaders, I am asking about their personal devotional lives, and far and wide I am finding that many have no personal devotional life.  I have […]


U.S. Christians are a lazy, passive, well-intentioned bunch.  I am not talking about the 11% who are engaged in some form of regular hands-on ministry.  I am speaking of the 89% who define “active” faith as attending church when convenient, showing up at an occasional potluck supper, buying the doo-dad-du […]


What do 21st century United Methodists actually believe about the Holy Spirit?  Are we in danger of lumping the trans-rational in with the irrational and dismissing anything and everything supernatural with a primitive and premodern understanding of the world?  Secular critics like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher […]