Month: June 2016

De-Serving Recognition

Deserve — origin: “to devote oneself to the service of“ In the past few days I have heard people use the term “deserve/deserving” in troubling and distressing ways.  In all cases, those identified either “deserved” something bad, or were “undeserving” of something good.  In no case was the thought that […]

Diametrically Composed

At what point do differences become irreconcilable?  Visualize a normal bell-curve.  At each extreme, there are polarized, immovable positions.  Three to five percent are so committed to being right and having their own way, that they no longer engage in any interaction that might influence their opinion.  These opponents are […]

Shut Up and Stand Up

Like many, I am trying to make sense of the tragedy in Orlando. But I confess, as I talk to people and listen to different perspectives, I am embarrassed and ashamed.  Well meaning, kind, caring people are inadvertently being callous and insensitive.  I am going to speak from my own […]