
GC2016 — Text, Subtext, Context

Today is the first day the rumor mills churned out of control.  If you skim social media, you might pick up any of a hundred different rumors about what is happening behind the scenes at General Conference.  It caused us to change our agenda so that Bishop Bruce Ough could […]

GC2016 — What Are Rules For?

A question United Methodists seem to love to hate is about our rules.  Are our rules, mainly delineated for us in our Book of Discipline, made to be followed or to be broken?  Are rules absolute and unquestionable or are our rules evolving and bendable?  Why have rules if we […]

Better Than Religion

I have been deeply interested in the plight of Syrian refugees and the impact we are seeing on the whole immigration discussion/debate at all levels of our U.S. culture.  For the most part, the general responses have been grounded in fear, suspicion, anxiety and a knee-jerk parochialism.  People are worried, […]

I Love a Mystery

Though I am not overly superstitious, I DO try to pay attention to unusual coincidences.  Over the last three days, I have been led, in one way or another, to look up four passages of scripture:  Ephesians 6:18-20, I Corinthians 4:1-2, Ephesians 1:7-10, and 1 Timothy 3:16.  Each of these […]

Weapons of Intent

As I was reeling in the wake of the news from South Carolina yesterday, this came into my in box.  It is a reminder that violence takes many forms, and that the intent behind our acts have consequences.  Major acts get media attention, but minor acts impact our lives in […]

Who Matters?

My heart breaks as I see more and more statements about who “matters.”  Oh, I understand the intention to stand in solidarity with brothers and sisters who find themselves on an unpublished endangered species list because of the hidden -isms of our US culture (racism, classism, fascism, etc.).  My concern […]

Remembering Who We Are

One of the things I love about the church is that you never know what kind of impact you’re going to make on the lives of those around you.  At a very simple level, the church offers an opportunity to do good and, at the very least, do no harm.  […]


I always feel that I am serving some purpose when I blog and it turns out that I tick off everyone.  By “weighing in” on all the talk of splitting the church (officially) I have “taken sides.”  However, which side is a bit confusing and hard to determine.  Consider these […]

Miracle Eye

On occasion, I catch the late-night ads for “Miracle Ear” — a hearing enhancement device that sounds (no pun intended) too good to be true.  I finally met someone who actually purchased and uses a Miracle Ear, and he is delighted with it.  His testimonial is simple, “I am no […]

Jumping to Confusions

What is it about we human animals and our tendency to climb the ladder of inference and leap blindly into a steaming pile of assumptions?  Each and every day we create chaos, confusion and pain for ourselves by ascribing intention, assuming motives, projecting values and jumping to conclusions.  Compounding this […]